Content Type Header

 Posted admin

Correct Content-Type header (content-type). Content-type warns against not serving resources with the Content-Type HTTP response header with a value containing the appropriate media type and charset for the response.

  • Content-Type Header in Security. Setting the Content-Type header properly is very critical. This header is added to request and response headers since HTTP 1.0. You can manipulate the way the server will interpret the request by setting Content-Type in request headers.
  • I have the most recent version of Postman (4.10.5) and I have an application running in production and on localhost. When I direct the request to localhost (or even when I just copy the cURL command), the Content-Type header is included as expected. But when I change the url to hit the production app, the Content-Type header is missing.


Gets or sets the HttpMediaTypeHeaderValue object that represent the value of an HTTP Content-Type header on the HTTP content.

Content-type Image

Property Value


The object that represent the value of an HTTP Content-Type header on the HTTP content. A null value means that the header is absent.

Content type header examplesHeader


The ContentType property represents the Content-Type header value on HTTP content. The Content-Type header is the MIME type of the content.

The following sample code shows a method to get or set the Content-Type header value on HTTP content using the ContentType property on the HttpContentHeaderCollection object.

See also

Content Type Header Curl

  • HttpMediaTypeHeaderValueHttpMediaTypeHeaderValueHttpMediaTypeHeaderValue